Friday, May 9, 2014

Musical Networking


“I love music. For me, music is morning coffee. It's mood medicine. It's pure magic. A good song is like a good meal-I just want to inhale it and then share a bite with someone else.” 
― Hoda KotbHoda: How I Survived War Zones, Bad Hair, Cancer, and Kathie Lee
I'd like to speak about an interesting topic that will pop out at some of your networking meetings, Music. This type of knowledge, general for some of us and specific for others, includes the cultural background we have and this will help us to improve our conversation and include different subjects to our networking skills.
First we have to understand that musical tastes are infinite and if we don't like what our neighbor likes we could be aware of what other people like to enjoy. It doesn't mean that we have to agree with everything, but to respect what the other people like. Sometimes its better to show a real interest on other people musical taste, in order to make good networking.
Without being square, male and female have substantial differences among musical tastes. Women usually listen to ballads, pop, and dance music. Men like drums, guitars, bases, it could be rock, jazz, blues, regional but with a very specific style. Some characteristics depend on the place or situation where they are, the music has to be accordingly.

One of my office peers listen to different types of music in his spot, and because he is near my place, suddenly I begin to enjoy the music too. After 3 days of sharing this musical sounds, I approached him and asked about a specific song, then I made a suggestion, afterwards he made me another suggestion, by the time I'm writing this blog we have a competition on whom is going to bring the better, different or newest song style. This situation made me learn different things related to this topic and I made also this reflection.

Ir order to have an interesting conversation among musical genres, it's important to have information on what your peer like, maybe you haven't heard anything from it. Its a very good way to learn something new, ask your friend to explain you about the music he or she likes, try to get some examples from it, and maybe the next time you have more information on that specific music.
If you are beginning to listen different types of music, in wikipedia I found the following list, that if not exhaustive, can provide a general idea about the different types of genres and sub-genres. Review them so you can start your knowledge on this cultural theme.
World music):

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