Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Diet Networking

A common purpose that we do on January is to loose the weight that the December holidays bring on. Here I introduce you some tips for keeping your purpose without being antisocial.
vaso con agua
1.- First ask for a glass of water, so you'll gain some extra time without consuming food and it keep your stress down.
2.- Ask for the variety of beverages that are offered and ask for those that contain the less sugar content. Mix them with sparkling water so you can keep your calorie control lower.
3.- Eat the most amount of crudites, avoid eating them with bread, tortillas, pasta, rice. It's better a salad portion or a boiled potato (without butter or cream).

4.- If you have to choose from different snacks, choose the salad over the sweet. They will contain less calorie amount.
5.- Once your event its over, dedicate few more minutes to your workout, this will help you compensate the extra calories you may ingested.

Being on a diet shouldn't be a displeasful process, just keep an eye on your goal and you may see that the things will be solved on the way. Don't miss a networking event just because you think you are going to fail on your purpose.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Exercise Networking

It's January, and you are going to the gym for the first time, you don't know anybody and you would like that this purpose last at least 6 months. What to do?
Networking activities will help you to move forward on your new year's resolutions, please remember to have fun on the process.
gym class
1.- Get into some classes, usually gyms offer yoga, salsa, kickboxing, Pilate's or spinning classes. Subscribe to a class and get to know your peers, eventually you will met all the people in the class and your class will become more fun.
gym networking2.- When activating Cardio, try to meet the people around you, specially if they are warming up. Ask about the best cardio program, and how to use better the equipment.

gym circuito3.- If you are making some weights, you could handle your networking by making combining laps with other people training too. Look for the people at your same work out level. If you don't have any experience, use your training knowledge first, and then continue with your exercise. 
gym team4.- Join a team, some gyms have basketball, tennis, racquetball among different team features. Any activity done by more than two people will be easier to handle for integration and networking.
gym metas5.- Have a purpose in mind, talk with your trainer about your goals, maybe its running a marathon, a triathlon, there could be several groups that are training for a specific challenge and if you join them, it will be perfect to share a hobby and a sport. 
gym vestidores6.- Finally the dressing rooms, here you can comment about your training day and also make plans for the next day. If you get a commitment partner to go to the gym it will be easier for you to end your goal.
 Hope you get the best of the success while integrating networking on your exercise routine.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Networking Tips

Do you want to Network but you are to shy to try? I share with you some tips that will be useful to get over your shyness and get to know some interesting people.
Llega temprano
 1.- Arrive early, if you go to an event were you don't know a lot of people its easier to start a conversation when there are less people to interact with, there is not that much competence and some of them will be waiting for their friends to arrive, meanwhile they have more chances to do networking

varios eventos
2.- Go to different events, not only those that have the "Networking" title. For example, you could go to a conference, workshop, concert, exposition, openings, cocktails. If the event you are invited lasts more than one day, you will have more chances to get to know a lot of people.
ask questions
 3.-Ask simple questions like, what bring you to this event? If it's a small group something like, may I join you? Make your questions personal, avoid speaking about the weather so you engage your new friends. This is related to the next tip. 
feelling special
4.- Make people feel special to share something interesting. Make them share their personal passions and interests. It is always welcome an enthusiast talk that a small talk.

no olvides sonreir5.- Smile, people use to forget how much worth a smile has. It is strong and attractive a person with a great smile. You are sending a positive message that you can be achieved and you are an easy person.

contacto6.- Make sure to get at least one new contact on each event, you don't need to have the goal of 100 contacts per event. Then make sure you give the proper follow up to your new acquaintances.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Networking Resolutions

We start our 2015 year and so our resolutions, so I share with you this Blog 2015 purposes:
1.- Have a post with sharing at different social networks: Youtube, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Vimeo, Reddit, Linkedin, Goodreads, Pinterest

redes 4
This will be a great challenge because I'll have to learn some new skills like video production, photographs, log on to some social networks that I haven't seen. This will be the digital presence.

2.- Make a Virtual Networking Event
virtual networking
It will need some discussion theme and a massive invitation, the technology use will be required and the distance participation for the guests.

3.- Make a Face to Face Networking Event
networking presencial
This is the easier resolution, because I happen to do this, but writing this Blog requires personal experiences and I have to promote by the example.

4.- Describe 5 different Networking Events.
networking events
Organizing and assisting to different events shouldn't be the core, now I have to find new ways for making networking, this resolution will be done all year long.

5.- Have 10 Blog Followers, not in Facebook...
This Blog stats show that the visits usually come from Facebook, this means my personal friends, hope to have some more impact on different people through this year.

Do you think this resolutions are achievable?