Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Engagement Networking

I think the posts about tips for dating have a big audience among women. Specially because there are some girls that ask me to publish the and wait that their guys read this lines and apply some of this behaviors.
Following this lines, one of my readers ask me to write about some suggestions for her prince charming, so he can have an idea on how he should ask her to be his wife. Hope that his boyfriend read my opinion, and that my advise is about for some help.
Aspects to consider:
a) The ring delivery, it should be as public or private as you want, but it is important that your girlfriend, if she says yes, will publish it on every social network she has: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Whatsapp, Twitter, among others.
b) Considering the currently wedding standards, there are some girls that have waited nearly for 30 years to receive the proposal. They have recreated the moment a thousand times, and of course they are waiting that their boyfriend understands it, so he should put all the attention and imagination that is on his reach to this event.
c) The boyfriend should understand that as for this moment, all the attention will be centered in the bride, the ring delivery, the asking for the hand, the bachelor party, the wedding, the post wedding. So, and even the girl do not clearly say it, she expects to be the most understood Bridezilla in the whole history, and he should understand her. It's until the honey moon when the groom has back some of the attention.
d) It's important that the boyfriend study some aspects related to the ring acquisition. He should know about the type of ring, stone, material and design that her girlfriend will like to have. There are a lot of tests in Internet about them, but my suggestion is that you should ask the girl or talk about it with a professional.
The next link has some tips from Brides magazine that you may read to select the ring:
e) And because we are talking about the ring delivery, you have to know quite well to your girlfriend to understand the type of event she expects to have, something really public, like a stadium, mall, movies or something really private, in the beach, mountain or a restaurant. You should investigate if she like to have her family or friends among her. And of course I will suggest that you ask to her friends and use your common sense.... It hasn't be an expensive event, it should be something she will cherish in her heart forever.
At the end of this post you  may find the most voted engagement proposal for 2015, for sure you will find some more inspiration at the social network.
Tell us, what else you need for her to say yes? We gladly receive your comments

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