Elementos para realizar networking hay muchísimos, uno de ellos, y dónde hay que ser sumamente precavidos lo constituyen los temas religiosos. Debido a que en cuestiones de relaciones sociales, existen todo tipo de creencias, voy a abordar este tema desde un aspecto completamente cultural. Esto porque considero que es importante conocer de diferentes culturas y porque puede ser de interés para las personas que profesan esa religión el que tengamos un conocimiento general de las costumbres que sostienen.
Debo comentarles que yo profeso la religión Católica, como el 98.2% de los Mexicanos. Así que muy posiblemente en la siguiente descripción tenga una posición algo tendenciosa en función de mis propias experiencias. De antemano agradezco cualquier comentario aclaratorio, por si ésta descripción no fuese lo suficientemente puntual.
Como preámbulo quisiera aclarar que la celebración de la Pascua tiene su origen en los tiempos de Moisés, cuando le solicitó al Faraón de Egipto que liberara al pueblo Judío de la esclavitud en la que lo habían metido José (el de la túnica) y sus muchos hermanos hacía ya un buen de tiempo. Cómo el emperador no le hacía caso a Moisés, el Dios Judío le fue mandando una serie de plagas para tratar de convencerlo, pero ni así. Entonces de verdad que se enojó, y decidió poner fin a la esclavitud cobrando la vida del primogénito de cada familia. Como siempre hay atenuantes en toda "maldición", Dios le dió algunas indicaciones a Mosiés para que las compartiera con los futuros Israelitas y de esta manera la plaga no los afectara a ellos.
En el pueblo dónde vivo, este ritual lo celebra la comunidad Católica, incluidos el Párroco, Vicarios y Diáconos, con la intención de apoyar en la comprensión de lo que sucedió en la llamada Última Cena de Jesucristo. Procedo entonces a la descripción de los pasos de este ritual:
La comida: pan azimo, hierbas amargas, huevo, cordero, postre: manzanas, pasas, nuez y miel
La bebida: 4 copas de vino
Otros elementos: agua con sal, vinagre o jugo de limon; agua para purificación
Los celebrantes: el presidente (el parroco) el moderador (el diacono) y los sirvientes (que además de encargarse de la organización y logistica previa, son los que sirven todos los alimentos, quiero aclarar que eso de llamarlos sirvientes ha de ser costumbre religiosa, porque a mi como que me sonaba peroyativo... pero asi decia el manual)
Supuestamente este rito es como una fiesta. Algo asi como la navidad; solo que debo aclarar que en este evento habia como 50 personas y aunque nos conociamos un poquito por vernos en misa los domingos, no es que llevaramos una amistad como para conversar tanto... Al menos al inicio de la cena. Además como parte del evento, tenias que sentarte en un lugar donde no conocieras a las otras personas.
Siguiendo los pasos descritos en el manual, se van realizando lecturas, bendiciones, y otras oraciones. Otro aspecto a recalcar es que las bebidas y alimentos se sirven en un orden preestablecido. Asi antes de comer se beben 2 copas de vino, luego se debe comer el huevo, y ya como uno quiera el cordero y las hierbas, para acompañar, los panes azimos ( que son tortillas de harina, quizas porque estamos en Monterrey). Luego viene el postre.
Ahora el comentario, despues de 2 copas de vino, y nada de alimentos, claro que la inspiracion llega, asi que para la hora de la comida, ya te sabes la vida, obra y gracia de los vecinos a quienes no conocias... Excelente networking, o como lo mencionaron otros, el vino es el mejor lubricante social.
Para finalizar te sirven la tercer copa y al poco tiempo la cuarta... A como pude hice cuentas y calcule una botella de vino por persona. Creo que para romper el hielo esta estrategia es sumamente efectiva.
Debo comparar esta estrategia de los judios para conseguir buenos negocios, no se quien inventó la misma pero los japoneses hacen algo similar. Y tambien tienen fama de buenos negociadores. Al final del evento, se comentaron algunos aprendizajes que obtuvimos los presentes, muchos de los cuales tenían que ver con las nuevas amistades conseguidas, con agradecer a los sirvientes y al Párroco.
Les deseo a todos una excelente Pascua (sea cual sea su religión).
Les deseo a todos una excelente Pascua (sea cual sea su religión).
Jewish Passover Meal
There are several networking elements, one of them, and where I suggest that be extremely cautious are the religious themes. Although relating social networking, there are a lot of different creeds, it's important to know some cultural aspects regarding different religions, because for some people it's important that their customs are respected and also because it's always handy to know a little bit more of other religions besides the oneself.
I'm Catholic as the other 98.2% Mexicans. Probably this description has a little biased information regarding my personal experiences. If any of you would like to make any deeper comment, I'll appreciate the information.
As an introduction I'd like to explain that the Passover meal has its origins when Moses asked the Egyptian Pharaoh to release the Jewish from the slavery that Joseph and his brothers had placed many years ago. Because the Emperor didn't like to follow other orders, the Jewish God decided to sent several plagues trying to convince him, but the Pharaoh still didn't release the Jewish people. So God really get mad, and decided to end the slavery claiming the life of the firstborn in each family. And as in almost every fairy tale, God gave some offside instructions to Moses so he and his people can avoid such course.
In my hometown this religious practice is held by the Catholic community, Priest, Vicars and Deacon included, with the experience teaching approach to promote the comprehension on what happened on Jesus Last Supper. With this in mind I proceed to describe the following religious rite:
The meal: unleavened bread, bitter herbs, lamb, boiled egg and for dessert: apples, raisins, pecans and honey
Beverage: 4 glasses of wine
There are several networking elements, one of them, and where I suggest that be extremely cautious are the religious themes. Although relating social networking, there are a lot of different creeds, it's important to know some cultural aspects regarding different religions, because for some people it's important that their customs are respected and also because it's always handy to know a little bit more of other religions besides the oneself.
I'm Catholic as the other 98.2% Mexicans. Probably this description has a little biased information regarding my personal experiences. If any of you would like to make any deeper comment, I'll appreciate the information.
As an introduction I'd like to explain that the Passover meal has its origins when Moses asked the Egyptian Pharaoh to release the Jewish from the slavery that Joseph and his brothers had placed many years ago. Because the Emperor didn't like to follow other orders, the Jewish God decided to sent several plagues trying to convince him, but the Pharaoh still didn't release the Jewish people. So God really get mad, and decided to end the slavery claiming the life of the firstborn in each family. And as in almost every fairy tale, God gave some offside instructions to Moses so he and his people can avoid such course.
In my hometown this religious practice is held by the Catholic community, Priest, Vicars and Deacon included, with the experience teaching approach to promote the comprehension on what happened on Jesus Last Supper. With this in mind I proceed to describe the following religious rite:
The meal: unleavened bread, bitter herbs, lamb, boiled egg and for dessert: apples, raisins, pecans and honey
Beverage: 4 glasses of wine
Other elements: salted water, vinegar or lemon juice: water for purification
The speakers: Priest, Deacon and Servants. The servants realize all the planning, logistics and deliver of the meal. The name of servants must be a religious thing, because I don't like that name for them... but that was the instructions we received)
This celebration should be taken as a big party, something like Christmas; The difference is that in this event we were around 50 people and we didn't know each other very well. At least at the beginning of the celebration, also they told us that we have to be seated with the people we didn't previously known.
Following the instruction manual, we had lectures, blessings, and some other devotions. Other aspect to mention is that the beverage and the meal is served in a specific order. So before eating anything you have to take 2 glasses of wine, then the boiled egg is eaten, and after that the lamb, the herbs and the bread. I like to compare this unleavened bread with the wheat tortillas, maybe because I'm from Monterrey. At last the dessert.
Now some reflection, after 2 glasses of wine, and no food, of course that the inspiration arrives, and by the time we were eating, as good neighbors you must know almost every thing from your partners, to whom it was clear you don't previously known. Great networking, or as we can compare the wine must transform in the ultimate social glue.
By the end of your meal, you will have the 3rd and the 4th glass of wine. So making a little of math it's about to be one bottle of wine per person. I think that as an Ice Breaker this strategy is really effective.
I can't stop thinking on the Jewish business savvy, I knew for sure that the Japanese also promote this type of gathering, and also have the business savvy approach. By the end of the event, we commented about some of the different learning's the people there get, and we thanked every one that we just met, the servants and the Priest.
I wish you all a Happy Easter
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