Thursday, December 8, 2016

Posada Mix

Christmas season brings a lot of social events among birthdays, graduations, weddings, showers. As days go by, we start laying up some of this events and at some point we want to join with our friends or family to have a good time. This time I want to suggest a way to have some mix events and enjoy different occasions at the same time.
This week we had the "Baby Posada", it was a mix of Christmas Party with Baby Shower. The organization was quite simple because we are a few lady's in this group and we usually see each other with a regular frequency. Marisol was the one who taught about the Posada, but Lily think of joining the event with a baby shower for Marisol, so we had this event to join and seize the opportunity.
The meeting was at Opy's house and she also get in charge of the food and decorations. Marisol took the appetizers, and the rest of us bring presents for the Christmas exchange and the Shower. We also take advantage and take a lot of pictures and sang Christmas Carols.
The fun part of having this Baby Posada, was the relaxed event it was and we also chat about the last events of the month. Each one shared our projects, the activities we have done and our future planes. We also program the following meeting.
I profoundly recommend to do this mix events, specially when the friends share some events, for example a birthday party with the new years toast, baccalaureate party with graduation or the house warming with a campaign closure.

Tell us have you had mix events?

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