Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Airplane Networking

Have you been in a plane and the people behind you get asleep? Have you ever had an interesting experience of an airplane flight?
Let me tell you that the past week I have to airplane travel and on the back line two people become asleep, that wouldn't be weird unless both of them started a snoring conversation. The first one snore, the second one answer with his sonres to. At some point that became a growling, aspirations and exhalations symphony. That make me think of this post. I will share some tips to avoid complicated situations in a plane:
1.- Consider that in many occasions the people who travels is tired, so they probably decide to sleep during the flight, do not disturb them, it will be probably that you may not get the best results.
2.- It's important the courtesy during flights, the spaces are reduced and the people some times is despaired because the waiting times. Be courteous with your seats neighbors, sometimes a thank you said at the right moment will provide the possibility to talk of some other thing.
3.- If your neighbour is not working, but reading or eating, it is possible that you may ask some questions like where he travels or the purpose of her trip, if the people is in a conversational mood you may have some talking time with this new acquaintance and in your way to make a card exchange.
Pay the most attention on your new friend reaction, so you may get the best results of a stressful situation and turn them into successful networking.

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