Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Fellow Networking

On the last days Mexico City was in an environmental contingency, this mean that some activities should be done to avoid sending more pollution to the atmosphere and stop the higher levels of it.
The measure that affected personally was the "hoy no circula" (One day without a car). Here you can do some preventions for always keep circulating, but in this case, the full law was applied, and the authorities asked for some citizenship considerations to support the measures and assure to lower the pollution levels. 
I suppose that this measures make some other people in this city to change their regular activities. But some of them do not change, I want to share some of this practises, that I consider the lowest level of networking for your fellows:
The way some people move poultry, shows a lack of hygienic measures, this can cause disease transmission of any type. The weirdest thing is that the police can see this type of pickups on the streets and do not do anything about it.
The contingency day, at least you couldn't see this vans, but just the alert was taken away, you could see the people doing this practises again.
Maybe this things are done, because the way a lot of people sell and buy products here, at the rolling markets. I don't know much about the way people move fruits, vegetables, cheeses or meats to this places. I just observe the way this products are offered. Me and my kids have seen that aren't placed at any type of refrigeration features. I believe this products could be kept at outdoor temperature, this couldn't be done at my hometown, anything could be kept this way, or you could be intoxicated.
Other type of activity was the coconut transportation, here the picture of the most "original" one:
I'm not sure if this practise is safe, the coconuts could fall down the car, may hit a passerby, hit another vehicle or just land in the middle of the street. I believe that there should be a correct procedure to move them without putting in risk other people.
So I share a thought to avoid annoying your fellows and generate a positive networking.
1.- In contingency alert, avoid running your car among the streets, give a positive example to your family, and use the public transportation: bus, subway. It will always be easier to continue doing your traditional practises that adapt yourself to a new way of life, but I recommend to do the effort for your community well being.
2.- If your are going to move meat, poultry or any other perishable item, use the right means to do it, closed trucks with fridge or cooler systems. Avoid transporting this foods on an outdoor van. Avoid environmental pollution and the disease transmission.
3.- If you are going to move other type of food, use the security measures that avoid accidents to your fellow passersby. Think of how mad you will get if a coconut hits your head.

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