As you may know, I just recieved my PhD Degree, and I want to use this space to thank all the people that one way or another were involved in my study performance.
Some of the people mencioned in this post are also named at my disertation, but I think that it's not enough space to tell your friends that you realized how much they influenced your path. So I start:
To my close family: Eloy, Mauricio and Arturo... You have been all this years around me and in not few ocasions, have to leave me alone for me to move forward.
To my other close family: Dad, Mom, Gabrie and Jaime... you supported me at so many levels and help me by pulling out the best of me.
To my third closer family: Cesar, Suzette, Marce, Cesar, Gretchen and Jaime E... thank you for sharing my siblings with me, and also for all the things you provided.
To my fourth closer families: Zermeño Infante Family and Padilla Basterra Family... all of you were aware, by asking and congratulating me. You are a lot, and you know it, I can't write all the names but you are all in my heart.
To my former in law's family: Gonzalez Leal, thanksa lot for this five years supporting my studies.
Institutionally I have to thank all the people that economicly supported my studies:
For Tecnologico de Monterrey: Patricio Lopez, Hector Escamilla, Carlos Villanueva, Alejandro Cristerna, Cesar Barraza, Lourdes Dieck, Orla Branigan and specialy to Rosario Toro, who was the one that push me to do this studies.
For the Graduate School: Yolanda Heredia, Katherina Gallardo, Catalina Rodríguez, and my teachers and teamates. A special mention to Armando Lozano, my guide and tutor during this project. Also the people that participated in my investigation and which I still keep contact.
During my studies, I have the support of great friends and groups, like in my family, the names could go on and on, so you may identify your group, or some of them: MFC, Movi, ExaCECVAC, ExaAnglo, ExaRegio, ExaLAE's 92, ExaMEE's (some generations), SuperFitness, ExaGMBA (several generations), Club Altavista.
I can't set aside, all the people that were beside me in my job or in the supporting areas:
Universidad TecMilenio: My friends from the Academic Vicepresidency, and the work teams that I have at the Educative Innovation Direction and the Design and Innovation Direction. I have to include some certification suppliers that share information for the theorethical background of the research.
Universidad Virtual: The Global MBA team, closer and extended, to all the coordinators and assessors that always supported me. Also the teachers and academic team for this program. The VIPEC area that were with me during the transition time and for the Educational Observatory that always give me information.
At EGADE Business School: To the team at the Admissions Direction, and also for all the campi and sites. For al the extended teams from the national directions of marketing, academy, executive education, to the local teams of the site directions, program directions and supporting teams.
Last but not least, I want to make an special mention to all the people that followed the ceremony livestream. This people are right now my closer group of friends and I want to mention that I love your support.