Do you have a governmental issue? Have to open a bank account? Go to the Doctor? Get into a new school? For sure you will need some papers, and think about what happen when you don´t carry them. Here I'll share some tips for you.
One of my sons will make an abroad trip, so I have to make some immigration affairs and some bank affairs. Here in Mexico this type of errands are somethings you should be prepared to deal with.
The first thing to do is to have the permit that allow my kid to get out of the country without his parents. There is a document you should fill out with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I believe this is not available in Monterrey because other times I had to go to a Notary to make the request.
When you have to make this things it's better to do it by yourself. For more information please visit:
At the end I went to the immigration office and when they review my application, it happened to have some mistakes and I had to print again my document. So my first tip:
Tip 1: Look for the Internet Coffee closer to the place you are making the application, maybe they will charge you a little extra per hour, but probably they will know about the procedure, had the proper technology and are aware of the different things when people make mistakes.
At the end I get the immigration permit without many setbacks and the expense of some little pesos. For sure I learn something and the next time I will probably get my application correctly filled out.
Next I have to get a Bank Account for my son, so to the bank I went and ask about some of their services. I had to wait in line about 1 hour. By the time I get the information, I didn't carry with me any documents so I started to think:
1.- Waiting in line: 1 hour
2.- Receive information: 5 minutes
3.- Getting documents: 1 day, you have to go home and take some copies.
4.- Time for application: 10 minutes
So I start thinking again, and I think I could manage it in some kind of way, I believe networking is my signature, isn't it?
First I look in my phone and remembered all the documents I have sent to me at some point. Perfect, I had pictures, pdf's, emails with the most of the papers I need. I ask the manager his email account and send them to him. So my number 2 tip:
Tip 2: Always have some documents at the cloud for sure you will make hand of some of them in some stressful situations that you probably will have.
Finally there was one last document I needed, and unfortunately I didn't have a copy with me. So I remember the girl that helps me with my home cleaning, luckily she was at my house at that point. So I asked her to take a picture of the receipt and send it to me via Whatsapp.
Tip 3: Calmly think who could offer you some help, some people that you know may be near the information you need and without making so much trouble you may get the information and the application done.
The next time I go to the bank, I will probably make the next things:
Tip 4: Ask in advance for an appointment
Tip 5: Make some previous research on which documents I will need to make my application.
Tip 6: Carefully review the filling of my own documents to get better results the first time.
I wish you the best luck of all on your next application procedure. Would you like to share some thoughts?