How to get involved into a social cause? How to help when one is not in context?
About a month ago, from some causes not yet clarified, 43 teacher students from a little town called Atyotzinapa become abducted, this means, no one knows where they are, or if they are still alive. There hasn't been communication with them, neither the government nor their families are aware of their whereabouts and the information on the communication media is random.
This has been a hard situation to my country, because it make us realize that there are failures related to security, communication media, investigation formats, among others. This is a regretful situation, but I don't want to focus on what I can't do, this should be a time, family, press and government issue.
I like to think over the unity that has been raised on behalf this sad situation. Because the information is not circulating, civil society has been organized to demand some type of answer and find this 43 people. This situation includes different educative institutions that are leading the efforts to organize and promote what has been done about this event. It has been a month and no one has given a reasonable answer related.
I like to observe that the conveying power has been good, and that a lot of people has added their efforts to find out or pressure the authorities. I could not stop thinking about this students, I feel kind of related to them, as myself has 2 boys that also are students. Some of the social activities done to promote attention to this event are: a) Mega marches, b) Rallies, c) Handouts, d) Toll locations taken, e) Highway closure.
The parents involvement and the student peers has been important, they had left their usual activities, and made the society to be aware on what has happened by different media. For example, the Toll locations, has the implication to let the people get through them, but they asked about money collaboration to get forward to this cause and continue to pressure the authorities to get resolutions.
The highway closure, made a lot of people not to transit during the "rush hour" but it was on Sunday, so the inconvenience didn't affect a lot of people, and you could continue and get a little late, the complete way is just about 4 hour driving. Yes this causes affect people, but it was not in an aggressive mood, it was more like "please be aware of what has been happening".
Marches and rallies, affected the turbulent roads on Mexico City, but these were planned on a Thursday night or on a Sunday, trying not to affect the complete city. I think this is a way to show leadership and pressure, without affecting a lot of people. A really interesting position.
Of course there were people that seize the opportunity, and make some disturbs or thefts, but the movement leaders, immediately desvinculated from this provocations and make a statement that it was not their position.
Now my personal reflection, I hope that sooner it could be an answer to the families of this 43 boys, I support the civil society, the parents and the students. If in my hands I had the opportunity to help in some way, I will do it, like posting this information, I consider this social movements should wake up the citizenship about this situations. Our Mexican society is really peacefully, and we have to make a statement that we don't want more students disappeared.