The past week I was invited to the event: Innovation Rockstars, it will be held the next week here in Mexico City and I want to make a reflection on some activities I do when you have this type of invitations.

The first thing I did was to visit their Facebook page, I wanted to know how many people will be invited also to the event, how they do marketing, how many visits does its site has. In general, information that could make me figure if I was going to have some fun at the event. Bravo MX
Also I make some research on how many events they have done before, where, how many people assisted, I was quite interested on the information they share on this event.
Another theme of my research has to do with the event name, of course it has to do with the rock music and with the Rockstar image that now you want to give the entrepreneurial leaders. I understand that being an innovator means that you have the personality of Mark Zuckerberg or Tom Szaky, and getting a little far from the traditional leaders such as Warren Buffet or Carlos Slim.

Last but not least, my understanding of the new business models, the rock bands that are presented, started by launching their music platforms in different systems such as Crowd Funding, and of course are better known in digital media (spotify or rdio)
So if you want to learn about this new way of network among innovation, get some new business ideas, start a new business, I encourage you to come to this event and develop your competencies and integrate to the new business innovators.