Today's post came from Luis Yerenas's inspiration, he's a friend of mine since our college years. So here are his thoughts:
One of the tools more used for networking actually are the social networks. Every day we have more options in accessibility due to the technologic revolution, and also influenced by the growing amount of people that are looking for a network subscription, nevertheless, this situation, may generate a "saturation" that sure attempts our productivity.
Each social network has an objective, at least, a mission for which it was created, so it's important that you identify in which ones you want to participate and what for. The social networks started as a mean for making friends and be in contact with acquaintances, actually the focus of some of them is for improving business and this could be seized in a very effective way, in another post we can deepen further in this idea. So for today's post we can review the productivity perspective.
Recently I heard that a Mexican gets into its social networks at an average of 150 times a day (Dinero en Imagen) and of course this amount has to do with the quantity of social networks at which we participate. I really think the theme is not the amount of social networks but the time we dedicate to each one.
In my personal experience, the amount of social networks and the time we dedicate its inversely proportional to the productivity. It may not be your case, but to avoid this situation, review your network and the time you spend each day, but above all, the moment you do it. Is it affecting your productivity? Review specially the networks you subscribe with professional objectives. Are your objectives been accomplished? Take special care of not being a slave of a particular social network, or your Smart phone in general, it may cause you job problems and even family ones.
Luis Yerenas Domínguez
Aceleración de PYMES
Consultor de Empresas Familiares
Coach Certificado en Protocolo Familiar
Oficina: +52(33)3110-6351
Móvil: 33-1241-5281
Móvil: 33-1241-5281
Facebook: Yerenas Consultor Luis
Skype: yerenasluis