Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The right style for the office

A week ago, a good friend ask me to give her some tips to dress accordingly to her office. It seems that she received some critics that her outfit looked like a pijamas, and naturally she didn't want to have that type of comments inside her office. I'm not a fashion expert, but I can share some recommendations regarding how to dress appropriately, not just in the office but in some other events.
1.- Recognize your personal styleestilo-2: Learn about your type of body and personality with which you behave, that should be enough to understand if you are a dynamic and in movement person, or if you are a romantic people. The clothes you choose can project your personality. Also you may want to know about your body failures or your body blessings so you can choose wisely on your clothing.

2.- Fashion fade away: It shouldn't be necessary to invest a lot of money on the last fashion tendency, just choose among the right products that adapt to your life style, personality and type of job. Consider some logical recommendations, like metallic fabrics or sequins are considered appropriate for a night evening but not for an office environment. 
3.- Keep handy a Suit: In almost every office you will need to make a presentation of a project, have client-customer meetings, be at a formal event. Consider to have a black or navy blue suit with which you may enhance your professional image.


4.- Swap between your day/night outfit: For men is easier to add a tie or change for a white shirt. This allows that the suit could be used in day or night. For women adding a blazer or a night necklace/scarf will make the same effect of using your outfit for day or night.

5.- Check out your shoes: Footwear should combine with the clothing, if you are looking for a professional style, consider that the rubber soles are forbidden. It doesn't matter if you are male or female either if you are using high heels or flats. The shoe sole will tale about your formality. Don't ever forget to keep your shoes clean.
6.- Necklines, tight garments or transparencies: Don't wear them for the office if your plan is to have a professional image. If you want to be noticed about your achievements, take care about the look you have in your office.
Please share with us some other tips that you think are important.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Business Opportunity Time

With the end of the year, there are some people that take the opportunity to make some changes on their professional profiles. As I have told before, LinkedIn has become a social media that allows to keep in touch with a lot of people to improve the professional activities. If you learn how this social media behaves, you can take advantage of your contacts and the information they share.
The following post will provide some ideas for you to improve your profile and become a favorite of your contacts in a fast way.
1.- Create a charming profile: Upload a professional executive picture, always remember that LinkedIn is not Facebook, so use an adequate image that remembers your professional activity. Do not use your last party picture, use the one that demonstrates the work that you do. Also write about your professional activities, or if you have little experience, write about your studies. Your contacts will read about it and identify the type of business you may do together.
2.- Participate or create groups: Make contact with the alumni associations, the news releases, professional groups, among different ones, even if you are a shy individual, this groups will allow you to make relations with more people and keep in movement your profile.
3.- Make each of your contacts counts: If you have a special interest in belonging to a group, or do some type of services you must be approachable, so contact the people that are related to your activities. The last week I received the message of one of my contacts, regarding a law initiative that he is promoting. I was interested by the information he sent and about the initiative, I hope he could reach his purpose.
4.- Become a networker: Another option to keep awareness in LinkedIn, is to introduce people that may have inter-related activities. Review their posts and if you find it adequate, do the contact of people looking for business opportunities, job search, or offering products or services.
5.- Keep in touch: With some frequency, post information, share interesting articles, use the information media to publish news in your LinkedIn wall. This will keep in movement your profile and stay in the radar of your contacts for longer time. 
Seize the season opportunities and tell us about your outcomes...

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Posada Mix

Christmas season brings a lot of social events among birthdays, graduations, weddings, showers. As days go by, we start laying up some of this events and at some point we want to join with our friends or family to have a good time. This time I want to suggest a way to have some mix events and enjoy different occasions at the same time.
This week we had the "Baby Posada", it was a mix of Christmas Party with Baby Shower. The organization was quite simple because we are a few lady's in this group and we usually see each other with a regular frequency. Marisol was the one who taught about the Posada, but Lily think of joining the event with a baby shower for Marisol, so we had this event to join and seize the opportunity.
The meeting was at Opy's house and she also get in charge of the food and decorations. Marisol took the appetizers, and the rest of us bring presents for the Christmas exchange and the Shower. We also take advantage and take a lot of pictures and sang Christmas Carols.
The fun part of having this Baby Posada, was the relaxed event it was and we also chat about the last events of the month. Each one shared our projects, the activities we have done and our future planes. We also program the following meeting.
I profoundly recommend to do this mix events, specially when the friends share some events, for example a birthday party with the new years toast, baccalaureate party with graduation or the house warming with a campaign closure.

Tell us have you had mix events?

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

How to save money in Christmas

The other day, chatting with some friends, we were worried about the Christmas expenses, we all wanted to share something nice with our loved ones, with our coworkers, the collaborators or the people who give us some type of service. But when you start to make your own list, then you realize that it's over 50 people and then the economic problem starts.
Considering that we are close to the most expensive season of the year, I will  make some recommendations for your Christmas shopping:
1.- Make use of your additional gifts: Each time that you receive a buying deal, like 2x1, an additional gift of a product you buy, consider to think if that extra product could be given to someone else. The past year I buy a cellular phone and they included an extra set of speakers, one of my sons keep them as his Christmas present, and I save something for his gift.
2.- Haggle: In some different countries it is expected that you ask for discounts while buying a product, like China or Turkey. In Mexico we use to do it at the flea market or bazaar. But I suggest that you can get into a store and ask: What is your today's offer? You may find some products that you could get with a discount and buy a better present.
3.- Seize your job discounts: There are a lot of companies that have some agreements with other stores to benefit their employees. In some point you may find products at a very good price or you may get them at regular payments. If you have the luck to work for a medium or big size company, you can ask to your human resources personal and get the information from them.
4.- Use the rewards programs: Every time you can subscribe to some reward program, like airplane miles, hotel nights, programmed shopping, register your number so you get the points. At the end of the year you may give away a stay at a nice hotel, an airplane ticket or some other benefit without spending a lot of money.
5.- DIY or Do It Yourself: Some of my friends are really good at handcrafts, or at cooking, or they simply use their spare time on hobbies for making beautiful presents. If you are among this people, consider using your skills to make you save some money when giving presents.
6.- Organize an exchange: If your group of friends want to gather and celebrate the moment, without spending a lot of money, an exchange may be the best option. This way everyone gets a present and you may not be on chapter 11 at the end of the season.
7.- Give away some moments: Remember that the most important thing is the friendship, and not the gift by itself. Spending time with your love ones should be enough to keep your Christmas Spirit Joyful
Have you any suggestion to save money in this season? Share it with us.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Christmas and Motivation

Christmas time is coming and with all of this we have now time to thank our colleagues for the good job made during the year. Considering that it's a good time to share your feelings and also do some Networking, you may now prepare your next year's way to motivate your team and start working on your objectives.
For this time I want to share some of the different motivation theories that can be used to keep your team working with enthusiasm:
Maslow's Hierarchy Needs: Motivation is defined as the step where we are in the pyramid, this define our needs, that are five: physiological, security, social, esteem and auto realization.
Commonly the employees that are new at your team (6 months or less) is probably because they have been looking for a job during the year. Give your collaborators the assurance that you want to continue working with them the rest of the year, and also, keep the promise that if their outcomes are good, they may stay as long as they want. 
Adams Equity Theory: People compare their rewards and their job outcomes with the rest of the team. With that in mind, they evaluate if they are equal or not, if they think they aren't demotivation and the actions to achieve it will come.
When your team realizes almost the same activities, it's possible that they share information about their salaries, benefits, among other. In many cases the definition of this conditions is not in your hands, as it is my case. But what you could do is distribute in an even way the job responsibilities, the recognition prices, training, job upgrades. Speak with your employees and ask them, what they want to receive in order to feel an equal situation.
Vroom Expectancy Theory: All human effort is done with an expectation of some success. The people trust that if he achieves his full capacity, some other consequences will come. The expectancy that the achievement of the objectives come with some wished consequences is called instrumentality.
In some jobs, the achievement of the goals has a remunerated bonus associated, but in the place where I work this is not a benefit. You will have to innovate and make your team feel motivated to achieve again that goal. Have a breakfast, give them some pizza, make a public recognition is a process that will make you to commit and then to fulfill, giving your team the expectation of a small but significative reward.
McClellan Power, Affiliation, Achievement Approach: What every people search with their performance could be one of this three things. The Achievement, impulse to stand out with the well done job. The Power, control or influence to obtain recognition. And the Affiliation, need to belong to a group.
With the time, keep some good working teams becomes necessary. Since my first big working team at the Academic Direction, when we all agreed how to organize birthday parties, going through Innovation Direction, Global MBA, and now Admissions Direction, all my teams get to know that they could trust each other to the achievement of the objectives. Communication among them, friendship, sense of affiliation, solidarity and support have made my teams stick together.
Following my own personal recommendations, my team and me are preparing a virtual "Posada" to have some time to share a little bit of recreational time and also get to know each other a little bit more. I will share the outcome.
In the meantime, Do you have any suggestion to motivate your people?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How to deal with a special situation

Daily I take both of my kids to school, well they both drive me and I try to teach them how to drive. I have to leave Arturo at 6:10 am where the bus pick him up, and then with Mauricio I have to drive to the other campus.

To avoid setbacks, we usually arrive to this site about 10 minutes earlier, and park on the side of the ridge that is perpendicular to the pick up area. One day, when Mauricio started the car and turn on the lights, at 6:10am, an automobile parked in front of us, and it will not allow us to move on to our next destination.

In addition to the parking action, suddenly the trunk opens from inside and a lady steps outside. I seized the moment to open my window and ask her if she was going to take a lot of time. Notoriously thwarted about my question, she answered that it will take her a lot of time, because she was going to take out her son's wheel chair and then help him to get into the bus.

At that moment, I realized that her activity will take her a lot of time, and that probably Mauricio and me will be late to the next site. So I have to ask her, please, that if she could move her car, because we were about to leave and we probably be late if we wait her.

She seem extremely odd, and probably a little upset from my lack of empathy to her situation, but she decided to move her car and we could leave without any problems.
In our way to the school, Mauricio and me had the following conversation:
-- Mom, the boy had a wheel chair
-- So?
--You should not ask her to move.
--You think that we should arrive late because one person who has this wheel chair?
At the end of the day, I asked Arturo how long did this boy has been using his wheel chair, and he told me that it was his first day. Neither the boy or us arrive late to our destiny. I also asked Arturo to be aware if this boy arrive to that site, that he should help him to unload the wheel chair or help the boy.
In your personal point of view, what you should do? I leave you with a map of the positions both cars had so you may figure the situation:

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Networking and Personal Relations

Today I'd like to write about some tips that could be helpful to improve your network or your personal relations. This advices may have been written by a lot of people, but I think you may remember some of them the next days and improve your projection:
1.- Don't forget your manners: Words like "Good Morning", "Good Evening", "Please" and "Thank you" are essential to start a good personal exchange.
2.- Remember the name of everybody: Maybe at some point it could be a little difficult, but you just have to remember that the name is the sweetest sound some people may heard. Take your time and learn the names of the people with whom you are going to meet.
3.- Say people how special they are: When someone hears that he or she is been appreciated, immediately their behavior looses up. Make your comment authentic.
4.- Show the people you are making your best effort: People realize when other people do things for obligation or in a bad mood. Make yourself aware and put all your enthusiasm in what you do, it will bring you a lot of benefits.
5.- Keep a honest smile: In almost every situation smiling will help. Try it, it's the best make up in the world.

Have you ever failed in this advises? Tell us about your experience and the way you solve it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Sancocho Meal

This weekend, Thelma invited us to eat Sancocho, a typical meal from Dominican Republic and it looks that it has a lot of cultural traditions in this meal invitation.
First, this dish is considered one of Dominican national dishes, it consists of white rice, meats, tubercle, vegetables and spices. You can also add orange juice. They explain me that this soup is made on the rainy days because of the warmth that this cooking brings to the house and to the people. 
I think this is why this Sancocho is so popular among my friends, its perfect for Mexico City, here it rains every day and the weather is mostly cold. There will be people that say that it's not true, but I can't get used to it.
Else wise inviting some of our common friends, Thelma also invited her Dominican friends. So the moment I arrived to her house, I could listen that the conversations were a little different of mine. Almost all the people there where foreigners, the accent theme was interesting.

Before bringing the soup, they play some music and all of a sudden there were a lot of people dancing in the living room. Thelma explained me that in Dominican Republic they dance every time they gather around. There are not explanations to be done, when the music starts, the people stand up and dance. I thing that I should be born Dominican, because I love dancing.

One the people get tired of dancing, started the appetizers time, of course they where done in the Dominican way: Banana with Chorizo, Fried Yucca, Yucca's bread with Chicharron. The Sancocho was done in two types, first the traditional one and the second one with some beans. Because this soup has a lot of texture, I just eat the traditional one. I left the second one to the next invitation to Thelma's Sancocho.

When the party was getting to it's end, we had appetizers, soup and desserts. We have been dancing, singing and speaking about this delicious food. Once again, the interest of tasting some different types of food, learning about cultural traditions and making some networking lead me to have an excellent Saturday evening at Mexico City.
Have you tryied Sancocho? Let us know about your experience.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

One Emailing Rule

The other day we were chatting on lunch time, about the importance of knowing who is sending an email. So different comments where made by the group. Today I want to tell you about our discussion and why did not consense:

How many times you have to sign an email?

We all agreed that the first time you send an email its important that it has your personal information with your contact data, phone, cell phone, skype, web page, among other. So the people receiving this message will know where to find you when necessary.

But then the discussion continue, if the mail is in the same sequence, will you sign all your contributions or just the first one?

Personally I say that all the contributions have to be signed with all your data, in this way you may be contacted immediately and find your information easily.

But Frank say that if you where receiving and reading in your cell phone the messages, and if all of them had institutional signatures, it would make long and hard to read the information search in the same email chain, so he suggested that the first email should have your signature, but not the rest.

Being this blog a networking one, I would like to know your opinions about this fundamental rule of emailing, How do you prefer to read your emails, with or without each comment signature?

Send us your opinions to try to reach a social consense.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Some weeks ago, I was driving with my sons, we wanted to have some "Tacos" and meanwhile we where chatting. All of a sudden, Mauricio told us, "Look, there is a lady walking a duck.".
In the beginning we didn't understand, the sentence was meaningless, so we asked him, what are you talking about? So he ask us to turn around and look at the sidewalk, and we will find the woman.
It happens that a lady, with some Asian characteristics, was walking down the street, with what it should be her pet, a duck. And not a small one, a big size duck, adult, with all his white feathers, and his yellow duck beak.

It was kind of a strange picture, this lady, hasn't her pet with a strap, as if would happen if her pet was a dog. But when she walked, she was talking to her duck, and tell him to walk faster or to move to the right. Something totally strange for me and my sons. When she arrived to the corner of the street, she take the duck with both hands and they both cross the street, and when arriving to the next side, she place the duck back for him to walk with her.
We couldn't get down the car, but watch was happening, we could see some people stopping her and asking about her unusual pet. We could imagine some of this questions: How do you get a duck for a pet? What's his name? How old is him? How did you train him?
Some of my suggestions when you have a duckworking:
1.- Having different pets, could give you the opportunity to meet a lot of people, moreover if you take them for a walk. Give yourself the chance to answer all the questions you've been asked and seize the opportunity to increase your network.
2.- Consider the fact that in some cultures, some people may be offended, if you are not hurting your pet, and you learn about the caring of it, you have nothing to worry about, just think that it may be someone that do not agree.
3.- If you are the type of people that do not has a pet, give yourself the opportunity to meet people that does. Ask them about the care they should have, the space, among other things. Maybe you won't go and buy a pet, but you will seize the chance to meet another people.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Transportation Networking

Arturo, my youngest son, enrolled this semester to a high school that is far away from where we live. This has made that he develop some networking skills. He says that he didn't learned that from me... but I love to tell this story, because the parents example is then copied by the kids.

It happens that there is a transportation that takes him and brings him back from his high school, but the nearest point that the route could bring him is about a 50 minute walk, it means its about 5 kilometers (3 miles) from where we live. In the mornings, we organize ourselves to drop him in my way to work. But in the afternoon, he usually arrives earlier than me, so he has made some arrangements to solve his transportation problem.

The first thing he do, was to meet his bus peers, then he watched the ones that lived on his way, and when the mother of one of his friends offered a ride to the other bus stop, he took her word and get the first walk free.

When he arrived to the bus stop, he realized that there was a lot of people waiting, and when the bus finally arrived, it has no place to get up. That happened with 3 different buses. So one of the guys standing there say out loud: "I'm heading to Cacalote, do someone want to share a cab?", with my son, 2 more people say yes, and shared a taxi, they save some money, and get to know some other ways to solve the transportation problem.

The last time, he didn't get to board the bus, neither share a ride, so he started walking and eventually the former owner of the transportation company that give him service, ask if he want a lift, of course Arturo, get into the van and thank "Pepe" his gesture.

With this story in mind, my recommendations to do some networking are:
1.- Get to know the people that do the same activities than you, like being students at your same high school, it will give you some confidence token and you may seize the advantages like getting some free rides.
2.- When some other people need the same service than you, try to share, this will become really useful if you are on vacation, you may get the opportunity to meet people, and get some good discounts.
3.- Have some friends with people that you used to have services from, and having a good relationship, will allow you to get recognized and offer you some type of help.
Have you lived an experience that you want to share?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Conduct Networking

I received a video related to the crowd control or mass control. In this example, you can easily watch that a girl starts doing the same activities than the group without making any questions. 

As you see this girl, when at the doctor's place, and started to see what the other patients do. she wanted to adapt to the group customs, so each time the bell rings, she do what other people do. She didn't make a question, just mirrors the attitudes from the people surrounding her. 
When the people leaves the room, she still continue with the behavior that has been developing, for about 5 minutes. Then an outsider arrives and it's suppose not being conditioned, so this boy does what I recommend to do, ask the people, Why are you doing this?
Her answer that it is because everyone else does, is not a grounded answer that explains her behavior. Until here the video facts. Relating this with the Networking Theme, you may understand why people chooses to do what they do.
Everything can be asked, so you may take an action to do what the rest of the people do, without knowing the causes and just act or ask the people about their actions and then act. In a personal relations context, this second attitude, allows you to make some more interactions and learn about the causes of making some ordinary activities.
When you are a small child, you are generally taught to obey without making questions, and when you are a grown up adult, you have the obligation to make them. So for people that studied around the 80´s or back, for sure your education be a little more rigid or traditional, where students not easily make questions to teachers. Nowadays its easily to collaborate because of the development of new teaching-learning techniques. Now is expected that the students make intelligent questions to understand the different possible answers.
aula vs aula
Getting back to the point, the networking gives you a chance to understand causes. Some recommendations include:
1.- Ask to understand causes, be an observer, and ask questions, no one should get mad if you make some questions. Maybe you could get some insights.
2.- Be careful on your asking manners, avoid being offensive or rude and that your question is not a mock of the people or their customs. Only ask why they are doing the things that way, and  maybe you find some other ways of thinking or acting.
3.- Once you get the information in a correct way, then you can decide if you want to continue with the behavior or not.
Have you asked some of this questions before?

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

TeenCultural Networking

Almost two weeks ago I went with my teenage sons to a museum exhibition for them to appreciate the Anish Kapoor art at the MUAC, this is part of their cultural background, and also a homework for a class. The thing was that one of my kids was really interested in doing this job, the other one, not so much, but he came with us.
The one that has his homework, insisted 2 or 3 times to visit the museum so we decided and went a Sunday morning to the exposition. I feel really glad that both of them not just liked the experience, but also became involved in it, just by watching the first 2 artworks they both were throwing "OOOOOHHHH's" and reading about the names, asking to the volunteers for the meaning, and doing this exercise for each piece.
Anish 1 (3)
It was an interesting experience, museums now are quite different as they used to be, and there are a lot of features that explain you about the art and become an interactive experience. At the end of this exposition, we realize there were 2 more exhibits, and of course we all wanted to continue the visit.
And because we were already there, and that the first experience was quite good, we thought that the other exhibitions were also good. One of them was called "Los Carpinteros" (The Carpenters) and was about the art that could be produced by this craftsmen. The third exposition was a sound exhibit, and you were introduced into a closed room, with the lights off, so you could pay attention only to the sounds and have the feeling of them. The visit was quite interesting.
Anish 1 (2)
After that we went out and walked through this space that is an art place from the UNAM and at the room on the side of this museum, called Sala Nezahualcóyotl, there where a lot of people, elder people in their majority, but we approached and realized that it was going to be held a concert by the Orquesta Sinfónica de Minería (Symphonic Orchestra) in one of their season concerts, this event will start 4o minutes later.

In front of the fact that the 3 of us haven't being at a symphonic orchestra concert, we thought that it will be interesting to stay and also listen to this concert. There where more than 50 musicians up in stage, of course master performers. This opportunity to live a concert with 2 teenagers was also an interesting experience, in fact, because their point of view is quite different from mine. They perceive this experience with their own approach to their past living and knowledge.
For example, I was quite impressed, that the first music, was identified by both of them as the soundtrack from Indiana Jones, but not the familiar one, else wise was the one used in the scenes about the spiders inside a cave. I didn't identify anything, even though I presented to them some years ago this movie trilogy.
We commented about how the musicians sharpened their instruments, how the orchestra director coordinates all the performance, how each musical instrument has their special place at this performance. We also commented about the "movements" and that in between them we shouldn't clap. 

My own reflection has to do with:

1.- Appreciate cultural expressions, is better when you can share them with more people and talk about different perspectives.
2.- Is more interesting if you prepare a little bit in advance for the experience. My kid that has the homework was better known about the artist against me that I didn't had the complete context.
3.- If you haven't prepared previously, you may do it latter, and get to know better about the performer. In my case I wanted to learn more when the concerts are held, so I can previously arrange my weekends to listen with a better organization.
And you... Can you tell us about your own experience?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Premier Networking

The past week I had the opportunity to be invited to the movies for the National Premier of the wedding movie from my friends Javier and Juan. Usually this events are held in a private environment, like in a weekend, and with some family and friends. In this case, Javier has created expectations among his friends because he decided to be the editor and producer of his own movie.

I just want to remind that less than a year ago, I posted some events and activities they have being doing as preparation to their wedding party. Remember the time I write about the mask producing and the paper flowers? I also dedicate a post to their wedding event at a garden in Morelos State.
This time I couldn't miss the opportunity to tell you about their commitment to their own events, the work and dedication they put into this movie premier shined all over. First the idea of renting a movie place, I think it was awesome. They could invite at the same time to all their family and friends again. Javier again make some "Save the date" invitations. He also previously asked me if me or my team will have an event on that same day. If he was so careful with me, I can imagine how about the rest of his friends. How could I miss this Premier then?

Of course the event details couldn't be forgotten, we had a red carpet, memories photographer, posters, after party, decoration, toast. Everything you could think for a movie premier, but in this case all the memorabilia will refer to their wedding.
As I told you before, the movie was edited and produced by Javier, and he prepared the best shots, paying attention for not being to long or boring. The movie lasted one hour, and included also pictures and moments that the grooms had with their guests.

At the end of the movie, and when the credits were passing by, they dedicated time to print the names of all the people that in one way or another contributed to their special moment. They thanked the maids of honor, the invitation makers, the mask creators, the food tasters, everyone had their name on the credits. Personally I liked a lot reading my name in this credits, it was an extra plus for this event.
The after party consisted in a toast in the cinema cafeteria and they also thanked the guests again. Of course almost everyone asked them to make another wedding the same as fun as the first one. It was a innovative and different event.

Y left here some recommendations I had about this experience:
1.- Details matter, if you have the time, the observation skills and the ability to put some interest in details, make sure you include them, if you do not have this qualities, make sure you ask someone that does, so your event will have the best of your intentions.
2.- The event is for your guests, you want them to have fun and enjoy, so dedicate some time to know if the date is an available one, if it is accessible, if they could participate in activities, like the red carpet. I can assure you that your friends feel included.
3.- Seize the chance to become closer to your friends, every time you consider them and have some details, they will be considering you for further invitations.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Vlogger Networking

Fernando Mol, finally decided to start a new venue and start his Video Comments in YouTube. As I told you before, he is this Blog editor, and is the most influential person on this proposal. So when he launched his Vlog I immediately get in touch with him to know what it was about, and also why he started this adventure on his communication proposal.
It´s interesting to know that a lot of the activities we start, answer to an internal need and a mental process to experience a new knowledge. In this case, even though that Profe Mol has previous experience in Blog Posting, writing Cinema Critics and also in Science Fiction literature, making this video comments will be the next step for making continuous innovations on his communication skills.
Considering that the technology is always transforming, and that the communication tools that are related to the technology do it so, sending comments by the social media, involves a learning challenge and also documentation. Learning in the way that he has to use different means and techniques to make the information get into the Internet and documentation to properly broadcast his comments related to his experience and with the subject he regularly speaks.
When I ask him about the format, he told me it will be a free style, based in his previous knowledge and experience, by blending 2 of his hobbies, the video games and the movies. In fact that is the visual proposal of this Vlog. He explained that when you are playing on line, you could find a video game screen that is shared by several players, and therefore, broad casted. Mol, find a way to use the YouTube tools and merged both technologies in his YouTube Channel, where he can approach several users, because there is no need to be exclusively in the gamer network.
And related to the time and comments, it will be about his own inspiration and related to the information he already has, without any previous edition, he will launch the information directly and also you may find it at his channel.

My personal comments to this adventure:
1.- If you want to start a new project, do it.... do not wait until every single element is perfectly established. The modern innovators haven't stopped  by fearing mess up things, with some time the projects can be upgraded and last for some time.
2.- Receive the comments of your followers and friends, without taking it personal, every criticism will help you to improve the process and will teach you the ability to learn from your own mistakes.
3.- Not every comment from your fans will be bad, in a lot of moments you will have positive answers and congratulations for your job. Learn how to thank this positive opinions, you will be encouraged and happy to continue with your venue.
4.- Don't worry if something or everything goes wrong, remember what the entrepreneurs say, they have failed in some of their projects, in order to learn and get some experience when starting new proposals. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Baptism in a different way

Enrique is a friend of  mine, and had his baby born a few months ago, so he shared with me the story of the Baptism of his child. This type of events are a good opportunity to increase the friendship and of course a good way to do some networking.
In Mexico, in the Catholic Church the Baptism is done in a traditional way, this means that the Parents and Godparents go to the church, and after taking some classes, they could ask to Baptize the child. Then you choose a specific day to return to the church and the Priest starts Baptizing all the Children. This religious rite is done by pouring some Holy Water over the child's head. This is done in the Mexican Tradition.
In the case of Enrique, they had to travel to an American Church to ask for his kid to be Baptized. When they arrived to the Parish, the where asked if they wanted the Traditional Baptism or the Immersion Baptism, At the beginning, and without any knowledge, they choose the traditional one, the one I described before. But when they discover what an Immersion Baptism was, they give a second thought and ask for a change.
Instead of describing what happened at the Baptism, I want to share with you the following video so you can have the complete image of what happen at this type of ceremonies;

The elements that caught my attention of this ceremony where, that the water of this pool should be all Holy Water, that the Priest keeps his complete Cassock even if he is half body into the water. You may observe that in this pool are also stairs to walk in and walk out, for sure those are used to Baptize elder people.
The next thing you may watch is the Priest experience when he immerse the kid inside the water, on the first two times the boy just touches with his back the water, but in the third time, he is submerged completely into the water, and he didn't look worried at all. The best thing about this ceremony is that Parents and Godparents enjoy the moment and will always remember it.
If you had the opportunity, how do you like your Baptism to be? Tell us about it.