Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Presidential Networking

The past weekend I went to a wedding where Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, former president of Mexico, was invited. Being an observer to a public figure made me have the idea to write this post.
I have to confess that one of my relatives is a good friend of him since a long time ago, and this is my third wedding where I have the opportunity to share, on the first two I was really nervous to meet with him, by this time I think I become used to and I really had the time to watch his interactions. So I share with you some activities that make a people become a really good "networker".
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1.- Came to an event with an amusement attitude, of course without loosing the style, presidential flair, leadership, being friendly and attentive with the people that is going to come and greet you.
2.- Be ready and understand the "picture" moments with the attendants, for sure some or all of them will want to keep a token, so prefer standing situations, in a place where is easy to be contacted and if there is a wall on the back it's better so your pictures will have a nice framing.
3.- This leads to a third point, frame good your pictures, this should have the public figure as a central point, but sometimes there are more than 2 people, 3, 4 or more. I have the opportunity to see how the president give instructions to people on how they should stand to be better framed. When he was president his staff do this job, now he can do it by himself.
Boda 24.-  Because this event was a wedding, the president was really close to the bride and groom's table but he managed to move between the guests, being at the aisles, and of course the dance floor. He always had this presidential flair, depending on the moment of the party.

An interesting story to share was just before the "Pozole", the music was "Heavy Metal" (Motley Crüe, AC/CD, Deep Purple), so there was few people making the "air guitar". On a moment, Felipe Calderon, stand up, cross the dance floor and approach the DJ. Then he stand at the dance floor and one of my cousins asked him: "What do you say to the DJ?" and he answer us: "Just to play something that I know."
The DJ do a change of music and played "Cuando seas grande (When you grow up)", this song chorus line have this words: "Nenenene di que vas a ser cuando seas grande... Estrella de Rock and Roll... Presidente de la Nación (Bebebebebebe tell me what you want to be when you grow up.... Rock and Roll Star... Nations President)." You may imagine the group of dancers, singing the chorus and pointing at the President at that same moment.
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Mi recommendation, is that if you are with some public figure that is going to make through the history text books, seize the moment and approach, this people are great networkers and are always willing to meet more people.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Airplane Networking

Have you been in a plane and the people behind you get asleep? Have you ever had an interesting experience of an airplane flight?
Let me tell you that the past week I have to airplane travel and on the back line two people become asleep, that wouldn't be weird unless both of them started a snoring conversation. The first one snore, the second one answer with his sonres to. At some point that became a growling, aspirations and exhalations symphony. That make me think of this post. I will share some tips to avoid complicated situations in a plane:
1.- Consider that in many occasions the people who travels is tired, so they probably decide to sleep during the flight, do not disturb them, it will be probably that you may not get the best results.
2.- It's important the courtesy during flights, the spaces are reduced and the people some times is despaired because the waiting times. Be courteous with your seats neighbors, sometimes a thank you said at the right moment will provide the possibility to talk of some other thing.
3.- If your neighbour is not working, but reading or eating, it is possible that you may ask some questions like where he travels or the purpose of her trip, if the people is in a conversational mood you may have some talking time with this new acquaintance and in your way to make a card exchange.
Pay the most attention on your new friend reaction, so you may get the best results of a stressful situation and turn them into successful networking.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Resolution's review

We are at the middle of 2015, and its about time to review the new year's resolutions. Just to know what it's the worth of having resolutions if one can accomplish them?
1.- Have a post at different social networks: YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Vimeo, Reddit, Linkedin, Goodreads, Pinterest  
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I think this is one of my not accomplished resolutions, I'm still working among the same social networks, just entered to Instagram. I haven't used Flicker, YouTube, Vimeo, Reddit and Goodreads.
New plan: At least 1 entrance in one of this networks, it seems a lot more easy than the past resolution.
2.- Make a Virtual Networking event 
virtual networking
Almost ready, I will share with you my experiences, we will have a Virtual Info Session on June 17th, the invitations have been sent.
3.- Make a Face to Face Networking Event.
networking presencial
I've had a lot of this events, not all of them organized by me, but still the resolution has been accomplished and there will be many more events the upcoming months.
4.- Describe 5 different Networking "events".
networking events
Foodworking, Petworking, Gymworking, Dietworking, Weddingworking... the mission has been accomplished. Now the following resolution, continue making reviews on different networking events.
5.- Have at least 10 Blog Followers 
Also accomplished, as in today we are 10 people, new aim, 20.
As you may see is not that difficult to follow up your new year's resolutions, just have a look at them and review them in the middle of the year. How are you doing with your personal resolutions?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wedding Guest Networking

This past weekend I was invited to a wedding, and in my lunch group we share a little bit about some activities that wedding guests should consider to make some networking with the bride and groom. I share some thoughts about it:

1.- The married couple usually take a lot of time and effort preparing the event, sometimes more than a year. Think that if you were invited to a wedding, it's because you are important for them, so make the effort and prepare yourself for the event.

2.- Plan ahead the type of clothing you will be wearing, think that the bride and groom want to be with you and have fun, so practical and comfortable, without loosing style, is the best.
3.- Be part of the event, if there is dancing, dance, if you have to give a message, share, if it's photograph time, look for a space and be there. The couple invited you because you are special to them and they want to have memories that you have a blast at their wedding.
4.- Confirm your assistance with some time space, make sure that on the wedding day you won't be "lazy", it's important that you don't leave empty spaces, the bride and groom take care about your confirmation and are counting on you.
5.- If you were invited to a religious ceremony and then to a party, the best thing to do is to make sure you go to both of them. It doesn't seem good that you only participate on the party, its important that the marrying couple be aware that you want to be with them too. 
6.- Don't forget to send a present, nowadays it's easy to make some account transfer, buy on line gifts, use the gift table at a department store. The couple, but specially the bride, will remember what was your gift.
Always remember that the most important thing is that you have fun and by this mean you will make that other people have fun too. Are you ready for your next event?