Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I had the opportunity to travel abroad on a business trip and take some transportation. I will share with you some networking tips learned from the taxi drivers.
The first one was a Bogota Driver, that take Camila and Me to a business meeting. Both of us were chatting about our activities when Carlos, the driver, ask me if I were from Monterrey.
It take me for surprise that someone else knew where I was from, so I asked. He told me that he lived some years before there and that he was fond to that city. Also he told me that he liked our music and he played the next song in the radio.

The trip ended with us singing in the taxi and thinking about our grilled meat. "Pos como no!".
The second story was with a Lima Taxi Driver. I organised with a friend to take a city tour and the company offered to pick us up at the hotel. When we where on the taxi, Armando the Lima Driver, ask us where we headed to. Of course neither Claudia nor me knew were we have to go. We taught that the driver should know.
Eventually the driver stops in the middle of a street and ask the first person he see for the place we have to get. This person told him that he was wrong on his way and that he should go to another spot. Claudia and me look at each other, and start to laugh, we both thing that the walker will knew as much as us to where we headed.
We decided to keep on with our driver, because we were really interested on what was going on. Our driver asked to 3 more people and then decided to call the company, at the end we get there on time.
So I share some recommendations related:
1.- If you recognize the accent of a person, ask about its origins, what he misses, the food, the people. You will get an interesting conversation. If you do not recognize the accent, then ask about where he comes from and also you will have an interesting conversation.
2.- If you have the chance to share what you know from other countries do it the people will thank your attentions.
3.- If you can amuse your clients, have some fun, Claudia and me keep on the taxi because the interactions between our driver and the people on the streets was really funny.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Samurai Networking

The past weekend I had one of those interesting experiences that everyone should experiment on their lives. A great activity to make some networking.
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I received an invitation from Forbes Mexico to: "One of the most intense, challenging and powerful simulations available today with the objective to train leaders from the practice and action side. Based on the principles of the Samurai warrior path, each contestant is challenged to live and practice each principle every moment, as an opportunity to make them part of his everyday life".
With such a compelling message, I couldn't refuse, so I went and the best of it is that I had a wonderful time, I met a lot of people with such different backgrounds in so many ways. Even though we committed in friendship and fraternity to focus on the assigned task, and of course with the same objective: Win the Game.
Samurai 3
As usual, some of my recommendations:
samurai 1
1.- Take risks. If you are invited to an event were you have no idea on what is all about, but you believe is interesting, go...How much you can loose?

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2.- Make a commitment with the activity and give the best out of you. When you discover the event goal and you decide to participate, is important that you make a personal commitment. Once you decide to do something, give the best of you in the process. That way you will achieve the most. 
3.- Connect, where there is people, there is networkingSeize the  moment to meet the people you are with. It should be an interesting experience to get together some time later and share your new thoughts and feelings about the experience. 
Samurai 7

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Valentine Networking

It's Valentine's time, and there should be people that have some couple plans, but there are some that are looking for a couple and are kind of worried on what to do by this time.
Personally I think this date is a perfect occasion to do some networking. There are a lot of people willing to do something different and there are a lot of different options to do. Here I share some tips for you.
1.- Have a multiple date, for sure you will find people that want to have a nice time with friends, go on, seize the date and make a party with your acquaintances. The more the merrier.
deporte extremo
2.- Do an extreme sport activity, this type of activities will need a group and a tour guide to have them. Your intrepidity level will be your measure. There are activities like a balloon ride, alpine track, parapente flights, rappel, tubing, rafting. This activities will need a guide, a small group and at the end of the day you will have a nice relaxing time.
tour ciudad
3.- Take a city tour, like some other group activities you will have a chance to walk the streets and get to know a little bit more about the culture and history. Maybe you will find a nice restaurant to share a meal with your tour friends.
You may start with this advices and then get to know someone that want to share with you the Valentine's day.